Frequently Asked Questions

Can I ship on my UPS account?

Yes, just provide your UPS account number when you place your order and we will ship on your account.…

What is the return policy?

To return a product due to customer dissatisfaction or an error in the ordering process, the customer must return the product within 7 days of receiving the product. Customer must call (604) 696-6226 | (604) 696-6228 or email us within allowed return time and discuss with a customer service representative the process of returning the product for a refund. For certain situations, the refund is contingent on the condition that the returned product is received at Vanada Banner Stand…

How much is shipping?

Shipping costs is UPS daily rates and are dependent on the type and quantity of products and where they are shipping to. You can receive a shipping estimate on by putting the desired items in your online shopping cart and entering your zip code.…

How do I know if my order has been shipped?

You can call us at (604) 696-6226 | (604) 696-6228 or email us or use the tracking number that is given to you at the time your invoice is sent and track via either…

How do I apply the promo code I received?

When you choose the “Add to Cart” option on the website, enter your promo code in the given field of your shopping cart and your discount will be applied. Include the promo code on a manual order form or purchase order to receive the discount once your order is processed.…